Official Visit!
On Wednesday, March 1, 2017, Host Lodge was honored to receive Right Worshipful Bradley K. Horn, District Deputy Grand Master, on his Official Visit. He was accompanied by Right Worshipful Elmer N. Hutchison III, District Ritual Instructor, and Right Worshipful Andrew S. Chiappa, Grand Chaplain.
Host exemplified the first section of the Master Mason Degree this evening.
Front Row: RW Andrew S. Chiappa, GC; RW Elmer N. Hutchison III, DRI; Bro. Scott Berk, JW; RW Brad Horn, DDGM, Bro. Larry West, SW; WB Robert Hagon, WM.
Second row: Bro. Alex Persechino, JD; WB Bill Miller, Treas.; RW Albert Strunk Jr., PDRI, SD; WB Richard Allen, Secty.; Bro. Tom Baumann, SMC; Bro Albert “Doc” Baumann, Marshal; Bro, Gene Bridge, Hist.; WB David Wallace, Chap.; DB Albert Strunk, Sr., Tyler.
Not in photo: DB Eric Becker, SS; Bro. Bert Decker, JS.
Special Thanks to RW Anthony St. Luce for filling in as JMC.