Your Admin has been remiss in posting to this page. Since the last post in August, an entire month has passed!
In September we:
- Held two regular Communications
- Administered the Master Mason Proficiency to three Brothers (they passed!)
- Conferred the Fellowcraft degree on a deserving Brother Entered Apprentice
- Held a Roast Beef Dinner
- Were pleased to host RW Moises Gomez for his presentation on 9/11
- Held an Advanced Stations Communication
- Hosted the month’s DLI, with an informative presentation by RW Mike Holt, Grand Orator, and RW Gary Olsen, DDGM of the 17th Masonic District.
There is more to come in October!
Please be aware that every Wednesday that is not a regular communication, there will be ritual rehearsal at the Lodge. All officers should attend, especially the 2018 officers. If you cannot attend, please let the WM or SW know.