GLI Practice @ Darcy Lodge
Aug 17 @ 7:00 pm

Practice for the November 3, 2016 GLI.  All officers are needed to attend.  All MM’s may attend.  All help is needed and appreciated.  This practice will be after Darcy’s regular communication. Dress appropriately.

GLI Practice @ Host Lodge
Aug 17 @ 7:00 pm

Practice for the November 3, 2016 GLI.  All officers are needed to attend.  All MM’s may attend.  All help is needed and appreciated.  Dress is casual.

GLI Practice @ Host Lodge
Aug 17 @ 7:30 pm

Practice for the November 3, 2016 GLI.  All officers are needed to attend.  All MM’s may attend.  All help is needed and appreciated.  Dress is casual.

14th District DLI @ Host Masonic Center
Sep 28 @ 7:00 pm

Monthly District Lodge of Instruction. Rehearsal for GLI in November. All officers required to attend. Dress is Business Casual.

MMº Rehearsal @ Host Lodge # 6
Sep 30 @ 7:00 pm

Rehearsal for Host’s Emergent Master Mason Degree on October 26. Officers required. All Master Masons welcome (we’ll put you to work!). Dress is casual.

Members and friends: We have two dedicated and enthusiastic Brother Fellowcraft Masons in waiting to receive the Master Mason Degree. Let’s put on a good show for them, and welcome them into the Lodge.

MMº Rehearsal @ Host Lodge # 6
Oct 17 @ 7:00 pm

Rehearsal for Host’s Emergent Master Mason Degree on October 26. Officers required. All Master Masons welcome (we’ll put you to work!). Dress is casual.

Members and friends: We have two dedicated and enthusiastic Brother Fellowcraft Masons in waiting to receive the Master Mason Degree. Let’s put on a good show for them, and welcome them into the Lodge.

GLI Practice @ Darcy Lodge
Oct 20 @ 7:00 pm

Practice for the November 3, 2016 GLI.  All officers are needed to attend.  All MM’s may attend.  All help is needed and appreciated.  This practice will be after Darcy’s regular communication. Dress appropriately.

MMº Rehearsal @ Host Lodge # 6
Oct 21 @ 7:00 pm

Rehearsal for Host’s Emergent Master Mason Degree on October 26. Officers required. All Master Masons welcome (we’ll put you to work!). Dress is casual.

Members and friends: We have two dedicated and enthusiastic Brother Fellowcraft Masons in waiting to receive the Master Mason Degree. Let’s put on a good show for them, and welcome them into the Lodge.

GLI Practice @ Host Lodge
Oct 27 @ 7:00 pm

Practice for the November 3, 2016 GLI.  All officers are needed to attend.  All MM’s may attend.  All help is needed and appreciated.  Dress is casual.